Today in the group of company VIMAL in total there are about 350 workers. We have the main thing that is needed for an employee of any enterprise: prospect, official salary, social package and career. Our specialists learn new technology and have the opportunity to travel and experience.The shortage of qualified personnel of technical specialties, here is the main problem of many industrial enterprises of Ukraine, and our enterprise is not an exception.
Until recently, the main cause of the shortage of working personnel has been the low pay of labor. But today, businesses that have a stable portfolio of orders are able to provide their working decent wages.
In 27 years of existence, we have never failed to pass practice at the facility. Our door is always open for someone who can and wants to work.
In order to be able to successfully and long work in our enterprises, it takes quite a few, namely follow our three rules:
We do everything to make the people who work for us really interesting!!!