The founder of VIMAL Victor Lazar took part in the International scientific-practical online conference "Strategy for the development of the agro-industrial sector: global challenges and national trends", which took place on April 22, 2021 at the Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute.
The topic of Victor Lazar's report is "Global challenges in the future development of the agro-industrial complex, related to the problem of water resources of Ukraine."
Why is the share of agricultural land of extensive use (hayfields, pastures, floodplains) falling sharply in the general territory of the country?
What threatens the uncontrolled plowing of river floodplains, coastal protection zones and water protection zones?
Will the emerald Polissya turn into a steppe or a semi-desert?
One of the most pressing and painful problems, ways and methods of counteracting environmental threats and violations of environmental legislation was raised by Victor Lazar on International Earth Day.