VIMAL, which produces the best potato starch in Eastern Eurasia, will celebrate its 28th anniversary this year. 28 years of hard daily work to create a company from scratch that is in the TOP-10 of world manufacturers; a company that employs 150 people for this result. The company, whose “Kozaki” on the logo of its products glorify Ukraine in more than 35 countries of the world. During this period, the company overcame many difficulties and obstacles and, unfortunately, not without mistakes - mistakes, no one forgave us, for which we paid very dearly, but most importantly: we have learned this lesson.
This summer, on the initiative of VIMAL, an air study was ordered and carried out on the territory of the plant, as well as on the territory of the Novobelousky village council and the Masanov district.
The work was carried out by specialists of the state certified Chernihiv Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Samples were taken at seven locations. Purpose of the study: checking the air for the presence of compounds hazardous to humans, namely, determining the content of chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, sulfuric acid.
The conclusion of the laboratory specialists on the content of the substances under study at all sampling points was as follows: the concentration of the mentioned substances is SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW the maximum permissible standards.
Hydrogen sulfide - 2 times LOWER, chlorine - 8 times LOWER, ammonia - 20 times LOWER, sulfuric acid - 60 times LOWER. In other words, the concentrations of the above substances that are below the minimum value can be detected and, of course, within the limits of permissible concentrations established by the relevant regulatory enactments. The air around VIMAL is clean and safe!
VIMAL is a socially responsible company: we make products that meet the most stringent safety and environmental requirements, we grew up on this land, we live here, we work, our children grow up here and we more than anyone understand that we all breathe one clean Chernihiv air!